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Trauma-Check - Chronic: Children 0-6 years

Your child experienced a severe trauma or were prolonged or repeatedly exposed to traumatic events in the past (more than one month ago).

Please fill out the Trauma-Check below to check whether professional advice is recommended.

In case professional advice is recommended, you can search for a mental health care specialist specialized in child and adolescent psychotraumatology nearby via the Specialist Contacts function on the Kidtrauma website or app.

In case your child shows specific symptoms, you get tips on how to help your child to cope with them.

You can save the results as a PDF file or print them.

(This question is mandatory)
User of the Trauma-Check
(This question is mandatory)
Gender of your child
(This question is mandatory)
Age of your child
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)

Below is a list of stressful events that sometimes happen. Mark the appropriate event if it happened to your child in the past 4 weeks. Mark not applicable if it didn’t happen to your child in the past 4 weeks.

Happened to your child

1. Accident
2. Natural desaster
3. Physical violence
4. Sexual abuse
5. Other
(This question is mandatory)

Below is a list of stressful events that sometimes happen. Mark the appropriate event if your child has seen it happening to a parent or caregiver. Mark not applicable in each case if you child hasn`t seen any of the events happening to a parent or a caregiver. 

Your child has seen it happening to a parent or a caregiver

6. Accident
7. Natural desaster
8. Physical violence
9. Sexual abuse
10. Other
(This question is mandatory)

Please describe if you ticked off "Other" at Happened to your child or Your child has seen it happening to a parent or a caregiver:

(If you have not ticked off "Other", please click on "not applicable".)


(This question is mandatory)
If you ticked off more than one event, which one is bothering your child the most now?
(This question is mandatory)


Below you find a number of behaviors that preschoolers can show related to traumatic events. Please take a look at each question and indicate whether and to what extent the particular behavior occurs more often since the traumatic event. Make sure that you use the Trauma-Check not before at least 5 days have passed since the traumatic event.

Acts whiny
Wants things right away
Refuses to sleep alone
Has trouble going to bed falling asleep
Has bad dreams
Seems fearful without good reason
Seems worried
Cries without good reason
Seems sad and withdrawn
Clings to adults/doesn't want to be alone
Seems "hyperactive"
Has temper tantrums
Gets frustrated too easily
Complains about aches and pains
Acts younger than used to for age (i.e., bed-wetting, baby talk, thumb sucking)
Seems to be easily startled
Acts aggressive
Creates games, stories or pictures about the stressful event
Brings up the stressful event in conversation
Avoids talking about the stressful event even when asked
Seems fearful of things that are reminders of the stressful event
(This question is mandatory)
Please mark YES or NO if the problems you marked interfered with getting along with family relationships, his/ her friends, school, being happy or having fun.
(This question is mandatory)
I agree that the anonymized data can be used for scientific information.