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Trauma-Check for adolescents - Chronic

You experienced a severe trauma or were prolonged or repeatedly exposed to traumatic events in the past (more than one month ago).

Please fill out the Trauma-Check below to check whether professional advice is recommended.

In case professional advice is recommended, you can search for a mental health care specialist specialized in child and adolescent psychotraumatology nearby via the Specialist Contacts function on the Kidtrauma website or app.

In case you show specific symptoms, you get tips on how to cope with them.

You can save the results as a PDF file or print them.

(This question is mandatory)
User of the Trauma-Check
(This question is mandatory)
You are...
(This question is mandatory)
How old are you?
(This question is mandatory)
Aus welchem Land kommst Du?
(This question is mandatory)
What country are you from?
(This question is mandatory)

Below is a list of stressful events that sometimes happen. Mark the appropriate event if it happened to you. Mark not applicable if it didn’t happen to you.

Happened to me


1. Accident
2. Natural disaster
3. Physical violence
4. Sexual assault
5. Other
(This question is mandatory)

Below is a list of stressful events that sometimes happen. Mark the appropriate event if you have seen it happening to another person. Mark not applicable in each case if you haven`t seen any of the events happening to another person . 

I have seen it happening to another person

6. Accident
7. Natural disaster
8. Physical violence
9. Sexual assault
10. Other
(This question is mandatory)

Please describe if you ticked off "Other" at happened to me or I have seen it happening to another person:

(If you have not ticked off "Other", please click on "not applicable".)

(This question is mandatory)
If you ticked off more than one event, which one is bothering you the most now?
(This question is mandatory)
Below is a list of comments made by people after stressful life event. Please tick each item showing how frequently these comments were true for you during the past seven days. If they did not occur during that time please tick the ‘not at all’ box.
Do you think about it even when you don’t mean to?
Do you try to remove it from your memory?
Do you have difficulties paying attention or concentrating?
Do you have waves of strong feelings about it?
Do you startle more easily or feel more nervous than you did before it happened?
Do you stay away from reminders of it (e.g. places or situations)?
Do you try no t talk about it?
Do pictures about it pop into your mind?
Do other things keep making you think about it?
Do you try not to think about it?
Do you get easily irritable?
Are you alert and watchful even when there is no obvious need to be?
Do you have sleep problems?
Is there anything you’re afraid of?
Are you worried?
Do you suffer from tension in your arms, legs or neck?
Do you think before you do something?
Do you get into arguments?
Are you unhappy or down in the dumps?
Do you think things are going okay with you?
Do you feel like crying?
(This question is mandatory)

Please mark YES or NO if the problems you marked interfered with getting along with your family, your friends, school, being happy or having fun.


(This question is mandatory)
I agree that my anonymized data can be used for scientific information.
  Summe Cutoff
Trauma -
Posttraumatische Belastungssymptome 30
Emotionale Symptomatik 14
Angstsymptomatik 10


(This question is mandatory)